Bank 4.0 : Banking Everywhere, Never at a Bank

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Bank 4.0: Banking Everywhere, Never at a Bank

Brett King's book "Bank 4.0: Banking Anywhere, Never at a Bank" might be of interest to you if you're curious about the future of banking and how technology is changing the way we handle our finances. 

This book is the final volume in King's BANK series, which explores the radical changes that are happening in the banking industry due to changing consumer behaviors, new regulations, and disruptive innovations.

King makes the case in this book that the old banking model, which is built on tangible branches, goods, and transactions, is quickly becoming outmoded. According to his forecast, voice-based smart assistants, smart glasses, and other gadgets that provide us individualized and relevant financial advice will become a part of our daily lives. 

He also looks at how the value proposition of banks is being challenged by low-friction, smooth, and convenient experiences provided by fintech and internet giants.

King also covers the impact that identity, value, and asset evolution will have on banks' social obligations. He describes how the use of cash and credit cards will become obsolete as we transition to a future where blockchain, biometrics, augmented reality, digital currencies, and artificial intelligence will make it possible to swap value for new kinds of currency. 

He also discusses how these technologies may affect regulation, security, privacy, and financial inclusion.

The book is divided into four parts:

Part I: The Evolution of Banking 

This section recounts the history of banking from its inception to the present and identifies the major forces and obstacles that have formed the sector. Also, it introduces the idea of "instant, intelligent, and pervasive banking," or "Bank 4.0."

Part II: The Future of Banking 

The new trends and technologies that are altering the banking industry are examined in this section, including fintech startups, tech behemoths, platform ecosystems, digital identities, contextual interaction, money moments, and embedded banking. The effects of these shifts on regulators, established players, and consumers are also covered.

Part III: The Future of Money 

This section examines the evolution of money and value in the digital age and how it impacts the function and role of banks. It includes subjects including cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, digital currencies issued by central banks, tokenization, smart contracts, and programmable money.

Part IV: The Future of Advice

In the era of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and personalization, this section focuses on the future of financial counseling and asset management. It examines how augmented reality, chatbots, digital assistants, and robo-advisors might improve client experiences and outcomes.

The book is presented in an interesting and educational tone, and King's points are well-supported by numerous examples, stories, and statistics. Anybody who is interested in learning about the trends and forces influencing the future of banking and finance should read it. 

It is also a helpful tool for academics, regulators, policymakers, investors, bankers, fintech, and other professionals who want to remain on top of the latest developments and foresee the potential and difficulties that Bank 4.0 will present.


The main premise of "Bank 4.0" is the radical transformation taking place in banking. The book explores what banking will look like in the future, with a focus on how technology is reshaping the way banking fits into the daily lives of consumers.

"Bank 4.0" envisions a future where banking is embedded in our world via technology. It predicts that the future of banking will be instant, smart, and ubiquitous, and that banks will need to adapt faster than ever before to survive.

One key insight from the book is the concept of "Banking Everywhere, Never at a Bank". This suggests that the future of banking will not be confined to physical branches, but will be integrated into our daily lives through technology.

"Bank 4.0" can be beneficial for anyone interested in the future of banking, particularly those in the banking and finance industry. It provides valuable insights into how technology is reshaping banking and what this means for the future.

"Bank 4.0" has been well-received and was even named the winner of the best book by a foreign author (2019) at the Business Book of the Year Award organized by PwC Russia.

You can purchase the book on the following link: