Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

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Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (New and Expanded) 

Robert B. Cialdini, a professor of psychology and marketing, discusses the science and art of persuasion in his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. 

The book offers six persuasion concepts that, even if they don't initially pique someone's interest or convince them, can get them to agree to anything.

These principles are:


Individuals feel obligated to repay a favor or gift they have received from another person. Offering anything first, such as a free sample, a discount, or a concession, might be used to elicit compliance using this approach.

Commitment and Consistency

People seek to behave in a way that is consistent with their past commitments and perceptions of themselves. By convincing people to make a tiny initial commitment—such as signing a petition, completing a survey, or agreeing to a trial—and then asking for a larger and related request later, this approach can be used to elicit compliance.

Social Proof

In particular, when faced with uncertainty or a difficult decision, people look to others for advice on how to act or what to do. By providing evidence that many people have already complied with the request or accepted the offer, such as testimonials, ratings, or popularity indicators, this principle can be utilized to incite compliance.


Individuals are more inclined to follow instructions from someone they like, find attractive, similar to, or recognize. Building rapport, giving compliments, assisting, or identifying oneself with what the other person enjoys or values are all ways to employ this principle to get someone to comply.


People frequently obey or respect those who possess knowledge, stature, or trustworthiness. By showing symbols of authority, such as titles, credentials, uniforms, or endorsements, this principle can be used to compel obedience.


When something is uncommon, limited, or exclusive, people perceive it to be more valuable or attractive. By fostering a sense of urgency, loss aversion, or competition, this principle can be employed to encourage compliance.

The book also discusses the ethical and practical applications of these concepts in a number of fields, including business, marketing, sales, negotiation, and communication. It also issues a warning about the potential misapplication and exploitation of these ideas by dishonest individuals who might take advantage of them for trickery and manipulation.

The book is the culmination of decades of study and experimentation by social scientists like Cialdini who have focused on psychology and human behavior. The principles and strategies are shown using stories and examples from everyday life in an interesting and approachable writing style. It is regarded as one of the most important and well-read books on persuasion and influence ever produced.


The central concept of "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" is that there are six universal principles of persuasion that can lead people to say “yes” automatically. Understanding these principles and associated techniques can help you to improve your influence and concurrently guard against others’ manipulation.

"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" explains that when someone does something for us or gives us something, we feel obliged to repay in kind. This principle of reciprocity is a vital part of human society—it facilitates sharing and cooperation which supports mankind’s social advancement.

The principle of liking states that people prefer to say yes to individuals they like. This principle is one of the six universal principles of persuasion discussed in the book.

"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" promotes the idea that people decide what to believe or how to act in a situation by examining what others are believing or doing there. This is known as the principle of social proof.

The authors advise that people assign more value to opportunities that are less available. This is known as the principle of scarcity. It is one of the six universal principles of persuasion discussed in the book.

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