The Richest Man in Babylon

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A well-known book of financial self-help that offers timeless advice through a number of made-up parables that are set in ancient

George S. Clason's The Richest Man in Babylon is a well-known book of financial self-help that offers timeless advice through a number of made-up parables that are set in ancient Mesopotamia. 

The book was first released in 1926 and has been in print ever since, drawing people who wish to discover the affluent Babylonians' money and success secrets.

The richest man in Babylon, known as Arkad, is one of the book's primary characters. He was once a struggling scribe who struggled to save money, but a wealthy moneylender named Algamish taught him a crucial lesson. 

He learned the first financial principle from Algamish: "A part of all you earn is yours to keep." Arkad adhered to this rule and set aside at least 10% of his income, which he subsequently properly invested and grew over time.

Arkad also learned six other rules of money from his own experience and observation. These are:

Control your expenditures

Spend only what is necessary on your wants and needs. Maintain a budget and live within your means.

Make your gold multiply

Put your money to good use by investing in businesses that generate regular income. Consult experts for guidance and stay away from dangerous schemes that promise instant money.

Guard your treasures from loss

By diversifying your investments and avoiding scams, you can safeguard your principal against loss. Do not trust your money to strangers out of greed or ignorance.

Make your dwelling a profitable investment

Rather than renting, own your home. Long-term savings aside, this will give you stability and comfort.

Ensure a future income

Invest in the future and save money to prepare for retirement and old age. Get life insurance to take care of your loved ones and dependents.

Improve your ability to earn

Gaining new knowledge and abilities will increase your earning potential. To advance your career and finances, look for opportunities. Try your hardest and have ambition.

Arkad became the richest man in Babylon by adhering to these seven financial principles, and he taught others who desired to improve their financial circumstances. As he gave some of his riches to charitable causes and supported his friends and family, he also showed the value of giving and kindness.

The book contains several other parables that illustrate the principles of money management, such as:
  • The story of Dabasir, a former slave who escaped from captivity and paid off his debts by following a strict repayment plan.
  • The story of Rodan, a spear maker who received a large sum of money from the king and learned how to use it wisely from Arkad.
  • The story of Nomasir, Arkad's son who inherited his father's wealth but squandered it on lavish living. He then regained his fortune by applying his father's teachings.
  • The story of Sharru Nada, a merchant prince who befriended a poor musician named Kobi and taught him how to prosper by working hard and saving money.
  • The story of Kalabab, a camel trader who traveled to different lands and learned various lessons about business and trade.

The book also provides some historical background on Babylon, including details on its contributions to engineering, mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, and writing. It illustrates how the first place to use money, private property, and loans or promissory notes was Babylon.

The Richest Man in Babylon is a book that provides useful and enduring guidance on how to succeed financially and be happy. It demonstrates to the reader how to manage their money with straightforward strategies that have been tried and true. Additionally, it encourages the reader to pursue their objectives tenaciously and systematically.


The book is set in ancient Babylon, which was one of the wealthiest cities in the world at its height.

The main character is Arkad, who is considered the richest man in Babylon. He shares his wealth secrets through a series of lessons.

One key principle is to save at least 10 percent of everything you earn.

The book suggests handling personal wealth by saving a portion of all earnings, investing wisely, and improving one's ability to earn.

The title signifies the book's central theme of achieving financial success, as exemplified by the character Arkad, who becomes the richest man in Babylon.

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