Rich Dad, Poor Dad

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Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! 

Robert Kiyosaki's best-selling book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" shows you how to develop financial literacy and riches. 

The book is based on Kiyosaki's personal experiences of having two fathers while growing up: his biological father, who was educated but poor, and the father of a friend, who was affluent despite having dropped out of school. Each of them taught Kiyosaki something new about money, work, and life.

The book has six main lessons that Kiyosaki learned from his "rich dad":

Lesson 1: Rich people make money work for them rather than working for it. 

Instead of relying on a paycheck from a job, they construct assets that generate income for themselves using their financial knowledge and talents.

Lesson 2: Why should we educate financial literacy? 

Knowledge of how money functions and how to use it to your advantage is known as financial literacy. It requires understanding how to manage them, as well as the distinctions between assets and liabilities, income and outlays. Your ability to make wise financial decisions and accomplish your goals depends on your level of financial literacy.

Lesson 3: Take care of your own business. 

Your business is not your job, it's your assets. Your assets are things that put money in your pocket, such as investments, businesses, or real estate. Your liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket, such as debts, expenses, or taxes. You should focus on building your assets and reducing your liabilities, rather than working for someone else's business.

Lesson 4: The development of taxation and the power of corporations. 

Taxes were initially designed to target the wealthy, but over time they began to target the middle class and the poor. Rich people utilize corporations as a form of legal entity to shield their assets and pay less in taxes. Rich people can take advantage of tax regulations and incentives while paying less in taxes than workers or self-employed individuals thanks to corporations.

Lesson 5: The wealthy create money. 

The wealthy develop chances and find solutions that generate income using their imagination and innovation. They go out and make it happen rather than waiting for the money to come to them. Because they learn from their mistakes and try again, they are not afraid to take chances or fail.

Lesson 6: Don't work for money; work to learn. 

Learning how to learn is the most valuable talent anyone can possess. You should always try to get better and learn new things that will help you succeed in life. Working for value you can add and experience you can earn is more important than working for money alone.

By putting these principles into practice, you can improve your financial acumen and become wealthy like Kiyosaki's "rich dad." You can also go through challenges like fear, cynicism, sloth, poor habits, or arrogance that keep most people from obtaining financial freedom. 

Setting goals, looking for mentors, selecting friends carefully, or educating yourself are all actions you may take to begin your journey toward wealth creation.

If you follow the advice of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," it has the power to transform your life. You can use it to build the life you want by learning how money functions.


The two main influential figures in Robert Kiyosaki's life, as described in the book, are his biological father (Poor Dad) and the father of his best friend (Rich Dad). Poor Dad was highly educated and believed in the traditional path to success: studying hard, getting good grades, and finding a well-paying job. Rich Dad, on the other hand, believed in financial education and understanding how to make money work for you.

The first lesson that Kiyosaki learned from his Rich Dad is that "the rich don't work for money." This means that instead of trading time for money, the rich focus on building systems that generate income for them.

The author suggests that the emphasis on saving is only found in the poor and middle class. He believes that savers are losers because interest rates are close to zero, which makes saving money less beneficial.

The author defines an asset as something that puts money in your pocket, and a liability as something that takes money out of your pocket.

The author advises readers to think like a producer, not a consumer. He suggests that to become rich, one needs to create and sell a business, rather than simply working for a salary.

The author challenges the conventional wisdom that your home is an asset. He suggests that a home can be a liability if it's taking money out of your pocket through mortgage payments, taxes, and maintenance costs.

The author emphasizes the importance of financial education and learning how money works. He believes that one should "work to learn, not work for money".

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